People experience pain in their joints at some point whether it be from sports, activity, or arthritis. When pain is persistent and begins to interfere with the quality of your life and activity level, it may be time for a consultation.
Joint pain has many causes including arthritis, chronic degenerative changes, acute injuries, or from motor vehicle accidents. Patients who experience joint pain such as shoulder pain, knee pain, elbow pain, and ankle pain should seek consultation when their pain is persistent or altering their activity level.
Surgery is indicated in the appropriate patients, but prior to surgery, many times joint pain can be treated with alternative methods such as anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, chiropractic therapy, or by a joint injection. First and foremost, understanding the cause of one’s pain is essential in determining the proper treatment options. A thorough history, examination, and imaging should be obtained and reviewed. Once completed, the best treatment methods are able to be determined.
Ultimately one’s treatment team should be tailored to the specific needs of each individual. After a thorough evaluation, the appropriate team members can be determined. The majority of patients will typically benefit from a multi-specialty approach involving a pain specialist, a chiropractor, a physical therapist, and an orthopedic surgeon. For example, at times, a joint injection or nerve block may be needed so a patient may participate in chiropractic or physical therapy more effectively. Colorado Interventional Health Sciences works with many outside practices receiving referrals from surgeons, chiropractors, and physical therapy clinics to help an individual return to normal activity. Likewise, the practice will send patients to see the appropriate specialist. When working together, patient’s will achieve more favorable results and maximize outcomes.